Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pete Goes to Camp Challenge

What an exciting day!  I'm off to my newest adventure.  I wasn't sure what was going on earlier this week when my Norma friend came and picked me up and took me back to Pawsitive Action Foundation farm where I used to live. 

I was wondering if this had anything to do with Friday's trip to the Family Cafe conference for families with disability located at the Hilton on I-Drive.  There were lots and lots of people there.  But there was one special lady, named Maggie Denk, who really really loved me.  She and Peggy mom started talking about the possibility of me going to camp?  What's a camp and what do I get to do there? 

Anyway, Norma friend came and got me and then the next thing I know I'm back at Peggy mom's office and Momma Ellen is there and we all got into Daddy Joe's big red truck and went for a drive.  Momma Ellen and I sat in the back.  We drove for a pretty long time and then we arrived!  There were lots of people waiting for me and they had signs and everything!  They seemed super happy to see me, so I guess camp is going to be fun.  I heard them say that the name of this camp is Camp Challenge and a whole bunch of people are coming to camp this weekend!  I can't wait!

I saw a pool, I got a lot of presents (hey, maybe it's my birthday?), and everyone wanted to take a turn to walk me around, pet me or lie on the ground with me.  I was a little overwhelmed but not too bad.  I think this is going to be a really good time.  Oh and I almost forgot the best part, I get to have my own little boy - his name is Jay and he is six years old!  You can see him in the picture below. 
I'll definitely keep you posted about what is happening.  You can check out the facebook pages and websites for both Pawsitive Action Foundation and Camp Challenge for more information about me!